There is a saying in China...In heaven there is paradise and on earth there are Suzhou and Hangzhou. I have to admit, both are quite beautiful. As you know, we are living in Suzhou, and there are many canals and bridges. Hangzhou on the other hand is a city in a park. Truly amazing! Everything is so green. Education is tops in Suzhou and I do not know about the ed system in Hangzhou, but I was quite taken with the greenery. We went to the oldest Budhist temple in the southeast. It climbed forever. Also, the famous West Lake, which you will see in some of the pics. A little girl attacked me on the street asking for money and things got bad when she started touching my bum to see if I had any cash? Then she grabbed my shirt and one of the guys yelled at her and she left. I managed to get a picture of her which is really cute. No problem, guess that happens everywhere. We spent the weekend here with all of our assistants as well. I wish we had more time here, and next time this will be one stop on our itinerary. There is a water (fountain) light show here just like Suzhou but on the lake.