Take off your shoes, put them in plastic bags, and borrow one of the shawls hanging outside if your head and shoulders are not covered. The Blue Mosque is breathtaking. The tiles and colors are incredible. The women have a separate section to pray behind a screen in the back. A woman making silk carpets on the street invited me for a quick lesson on how to double knot the thread and cut. What skill and workmanship goes into making these rugs.
We headed to the fish market on foot where we saw some kids playing soccer. You know Raf, we had to stop and watch, they were so cute. The cats were out in full force, when we got to the fish market, they were waiting for the boats to come in with the catch of the day and some kids were swimming in their underpants, posing for our camera. After a look around and no business in the restaurants except busses of Japanese tourists, we headed to the Suleymaniye Mosque for a bite on the property (the original kitchens of the mosque in a beautiful courtyard) for another delicious meal. This is the largest mosque here and we practically had it to ourselves. Not too many tourists so we could really enjoy it in quiet.
No dinner but we found a cool bar and hung out for a night cap. Went to sleep to the sound of cats in heat.

love the way you have pasted the pix......have to learn that
take some closeups of the food........and produce.
Great pictures and interesting narrative...brings back many memories of my trips to Istanbul.
hi guys! i love to read about your adventures and the pictures are stunning. i hope to join you next time. how are the uncles doing? please send my regards to everyone! much love, your cousin jess
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