We had planned to spend the day in Rome. The ship docks in Civitavecchia and we were going to take the train to Rome because the ship charges $99/person for a bus ride in and out of the city. Night before we dock we are informed of a train strike. Most of the tours were already booked so we decided against traveling to Rome for just a few hours. We really didn’t know what to expect in Civitavecchia and were quite please when we stumbled upon an open market. Here we go again…FOOD. Had a great lunch with mom and dad, it was their anniversary and then did a bit of exploring. We also found a Phillipino market were the cruise staff go to call home (a few cents a minute) and use the internet (3 euros for an hour, compared to $100 the ship charges for 3 hours). Next stop…Barcelona.
The pictures are great. It's a shame you didn't get into Rome. But there is always next time. The school grades came out. We are an "A" E
Stephanie and Rafael Trinidad are both teachers in Bilbao, Spain. When they are not getting students excited about learning mathematics, they go exploring.
The pictures are great. It's a shame you didn't get into Rome. But there is always next time.
The school grades came out. We are an "A"
I'll take some of that squid Raf. A good boyscout would know what to do with it.
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